T: 07483 342158  

E: info@arctheatre.com



Originally developed for the Home Office ‘Building a Stronger Britain Together’ programme and delivered in northeast London schools for the Mayor of London’s Shared Endeavour Fund since 2020, Arc’s Unlimited performance programme aims to create more resilient communities and stand up to extremism in all its forms.  Unlimited has particular relevance to Personal, Social, Health and Economic (PSHE) education, Citizenship, and Social, Moral, Cultural and Spiritual (SMCS) development at Key Stage 2, including rights, responsibilities and choices; consequences of behaviours and actions; responsible citizens and how we participate in the wider community; peer pressure and bullying; equality; emotional intelligence; and making reasoned arguments.

Taking place in the safe and inclusive school environment and delivered by Arc’s skilled, professional team, Unlimited features an original piece of live performance – Outsider by Resident Writer Clifford Oliver – using a fictional historical story to open up the debate on difference, prejudice, tolerance, empathy and respect. We then take young participants on a journey of human behaviour, exploring today’s technological era whereby everything from bullying and fake news, through to hate crime and extremism is amplified by way of the internet and wider media. The programme also complements a range of Key Stage 2 National Curriculum statutory and non-statutory programmes of study, including English (vocabulary and comprehension, speaking and listening) and History (including an understanding of life in wartime Britain).

Through creative workshop activities and discussion which aim to promote British Values, young people learn to celebrate unity in diversity, while sensitively exploring and challenging a range of extremist narratives. 

Objectives of the programme include:

  • Improved critical thinking/cognitive skills by being supported to develop new and positive counter narratives,
  • Improved resilience to hate and extremism,
  • Increased feelings of unity in diversity, and positive attitudes and beliefs around difference,
  • Strengthened understanding of technology and how it works for and against users,
  • Wider understanding of how people are able to positively influence peers, community and family members.

Staff INSET: Where offered, one 60-minute online teacher/staff* session can be delivered to participating schools, to look at the issues presented to children in advance of their workshops (included in block bookings only)

If you’d like to talk to us about how to engage your audience on issues that really matter, please contact nita@arctheatre.com or call 07483 342158.


Hate Crime, extremism, grooming, radicalisation, prejudice, bullying, difference, critical thinking, fake news, fact-checking, respect, kindness, British Values


9-11 (KS2 Primary Years 5-6)



Children’s sessions: Up to two 60-minute workshops in the same school/venue per day, for up to 90 children per session

Staff INSET: One 60-minute online teacher/staff session (for participating schools in block bookings only) looking at the issues presented to children in advance of their workshops, and *open to all school staff, teaching and non-teaching, PTA, Parent Governors etc.


£1,600 plus VAT per day (block bookings of four or more days discounted)

Available to

Individual schools, colleges, Local Education Authorities, Safer Neighbourhood Boards, Community Safety Teams, Prevent Departments, Criminal Justice Services, Borough/Council and Government Departments, and Local Community Organisations, Corporate Social Responsibility Teams and Charities in London, the southeast and across the UK