T: 07483 342158  

E: info@arctheatre.com


Arc’s supporting role during Coronavirus

In line with UK Government guidance, Arc has taken the difficult decision to cancel all contact-based and face-to-face activities from end of March until further notice.

However, during this challenging period, we will still be providing remote support for the communities we work with. Natalie Smith, Arc’s Education Director will be the first point of contact for the Company, and she will respond to all enquiries sent to nat@arctheatre.com.

Natalie will also continue to lead our Raised Voices female empowerment group – providing weekly Houseparty calls, in addition to setting a range of regular activities for young people and their families, sharing ideas, creative opportunities, inspirational stories, and generally spreading positivity and encouraging wellbeing whilst at home.

Arc will also continue to use social media, including Facebook, Twitter and Instagram to keep in touch with our participants, friends and supporters, so please do check in with us during this difficult period! Here are links to connect with us online:

Arc Business Facebook Page

Arc Community Facebook Profile

Arc Twitter profile

Arc Raised Voices Twitter profile

Natalie at Arc Instagram

Arc Raised Voices dedicated website

Arc Theatre with Natalie Smith YouTube Channel

In the meantime, stay safe, stay connected, look out for each-other and stay well!