Promoting Road Safety in London Boroughs
Arc was delighted to return for a fourth year this spring to Camden secondary schools with our road safety programme for Camden Environment and Transport Department.
Crossing Over by Clifford Oliver was originally commissioned by Camden Public Safety Team and developed through consultation with young people and parents. Designed for Year 7 and 8 students, the performance and workshop focuses on the risks and consequences of distraction and poor judgement when on the street.
Crossing Over is the story of 15-year-old Sol, who is killed in a road traffic collision. He wakes up to find himself in a confusing in-between world where he must be judged for his actions and given his punishment. During this time, Sol witnesses a range of behaviours on the road that might cause young people to lose their lives. The piece also highlights the impact on victims’ families, and through these experiences Sol learns about personal responsibility.
To talk about bringing Crossing Over to your area, email Natalie Smith, Education Director at Arc on 020 8594 1095 or email